Saturday, August 18, 2012

Bengaloored !

It was a fine day till round 7 pm i got an email from my home ! Come on skype soon ! My nephew (bhanja) emailed me!people are fotunately worried bout me ! I suddenly went online ! They strted with a thing why wont i pick up call but answer all tweets and email ! I am that way but the insider is i hve no cell tower at ma room and people mistake it for my many bad habits ! When at sometime before i was completely happy sein those YouTube Nepali Short movies but m kinda scared now ! Its now 12.05 am 17th august here in bangalore india and all i can hear now is the calls and sms's of the paniked voice of the north easterners who are bein a prey of a rumoured communal violence !
Nobody knows whats the cause , who started it or when its happening ! But
People are way too panicked just like that ! Some body tells me like they hv heard 2 nepalis bein killed nearby !
Somebody tells me the same version with the nationality changed they say they were assamise ! Some other even changed location and no ! But all have heard all these ! Why nobody Saw ????
When we were even having fun pranking in the skype (my small nepali community - ruben dai , anup dai , subash dai and babita and sabeena bhauju's ) i was being pessimist!Now i feel really like what if there will be communal violence ! It hasnt been long since i saw the documentary about the communal violence in gujarat ! It really is a nasty game ! There hasnt so far been any violence reported in Bangalore!
If this is false then there will always be a group called oppurtunitist who can take advantage of the situation to make the situation to worst ! Though after constantly hearing about this for like 20/30 times now i from inside is also a bit scared for this thing but Bangalore has never been so bad that it would banish us Nepalese or north Easters !
I really hope this to end fast and rules and regulation be imposed in Bangalore ! Security measures in case it happens should be started ! I hope to get back to that Bangalore where we roared the roads even 12 am at night and feel how breezy it is ! I hope to complete my masters soon without any chaos running !
There are lot many tensions in life !
Do concentrate on those rather than spreading the fake message of supressing the outsiders - message to the initiators !

Monday, June 13, 2011


Just got to watch some of the short movies by my frens who are abroad !
They had a very good message within the movie ! The only hope of the nation the youths to be back to their motherland!It kept me in a deep thought that what really is going to future hold for nepal where for youth politics is always a dirty game untouched , where living means without comforts of electricity and roads are emblem of protests , fuel is a rare case and normality in living is abnormality !
Kathmandu , a city in quest , a city in conjunction with the modern living living where people think a lot deliver less and get very very less ! Infact a land of silent And migrated Che Gueveras ! Really kathmandu needs you all !
You all need to come back for the country !
You know you won't get iphones for $299 , 24hrs uninteruppted electricity, a honda civic for $4000 and a straight forward rantless life , but still you were a nepali !
Now its your choice to be you are or not !
But think twice and decide!Nepal needs you!If we start at least our sons and daughters are definately going to get these comforts ! Leve the self love , self comfort !
All i can do is plead ! Hope we ll meet in Nepal !
This goes out to all my friends , brothers , sisters who forcibly or due to cause or due to interest are out of the country !

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Eat Metal!

I've always been great fan of metal.I hail from a typical hindu-newar family where music is quit diversed and important part of dad didn't listen to metal.but i can still say that metal is in my blood.All the time of my life whenever i'm happy or sad metal gives me a support to express myself but basically its when i'm sad the most.i'm a pessimist and might be that’s the reason why i love metal.,I'm not an easy goin an d happy guy.there are not many troubles though in life to suffer for.but whenever i listen to metal i get a freedom that i can't explain.i get power to do things that i can't imagine.As i'm a metal fan its obvious for me to find and read or see things on metal.I've read and watched many but the one that moved me was "Metal-A headbanger's Journey" and "
Global Metal".Both of these are from a guy called Sam Dunn.He's a metal head.
The first one is quiet good which explain roots of metal and how it came to existence.The only thing i dint like in the first one is that interview with mayhem frontman and the thing Tom Araya of Slayer said.The question asked to him was "Why do you kept the name of the song as God Hates Us All?" And Tom was like "It sounded so cool"
WTF.He wrote a song that has so much meaning and its just because its cool?Impossible.i can't forget Slayer in Angel Of Death and Reign in Blood and the wave it created all over.But what was the answer by the Bands frontman?Seriously it hurted me a lot and was never expected from Slayer.But every other thing sounded like Metal.It was a movie of 2005 and its quite old but i recently got to watch it.
Then I got to see "Global Metal" tonight.And it moved me a lot.But here are more constructive criticisms then its likeness.Don't know whether Sam would have even time to review a mail by me which i'm definately going to write soon.In Global Metal the documentry starts smooth with Wacken festival end.He vastly explores metal in India,China,Indonesia,Dubai,Saudi Arabia and many more Asian and Middle eastern countries.And he happens to make this movie because of the mails from the fans and where it all came from.So he was retracing tham all.And it all shows gigs and how metal came in to existence.
Being a strong metal listener and fan and hailing from Nepal I was thinking to give a shout out to him long back but is was a to do.So this movie came and i was like.........................They showed India so much where metal is still so Taboo but not Nepal?In Kathmandu its so easy to trace metal that every youngster can give you a venue where a concert is going on every now and then.we have underground record label and we worship underground music.Our metal culture is very strong and am proud to be one of them.Everyweek now or then we have a gig.I can give you all bunch full of those gigsJust type these all in Youtube and you'll see what all Nepalimetal means:-
Show no mercy
Metal Tremore
Classroom Rockers
Feast of Blood
Yeah all these are some of the gigs that moved me and are those which i remembered while writing these.There are many of those left.If wanted only a whole movie can be shot on Metal in Nepal.However Ktmrocks seems to be interested in it which is releasing its video on Metal On Nepal on Youtube on Ktmrocks Stube.
If you want more of Nepali Metal then go to it will feed you all.
Hope Sam Dunn reconsiders it and rethinks it put up a small part of Nepal too in Global Arena.This is not only my voice,this is the voice of all the Nepali metalheads visiting each gigi on MPC or Ex. army club or other venues.Metal has a whole loads of things to do with Nepal.
Follow @__saurav