Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Bored and the Killer status updates!!!!!

Hey its same damn boring time the mid-day which the skool calls itself the lunch break!Life became so monotonous these days with all guys far far away even from college.Feels like college days are over.Feels like the starting of fun is ending.
Sometimes things turns out worst itself.We don't have to try for it.Days are getting hotter and hotter and no sweaters college coz its India.So is the life with my frens.Their life too getting affected by this sickness of hotness.Their life is getting hotter.I lie somewhere on my own cold world which can't be heated and I think its better cold and chilling.
Lifes seems to be affected by many traumas and cancers (not mine).I'm getting weaker coz its lunch hour and I don't wanna eat too.
Classes are going like long long boring movies in between which i sleep and get up.Had to sit quietly in class coz jus now the internal papers are checked and if you speak more you are going to get busted by the teacher.Definately exams are not good.
Don't think me psycho I'm changing the topic completely.If you are among those 1 million who use facebook and the status update is one feature which I always love to see among my friends.Some of the status updates that really haunts me are:-
I can't include all but those which caught ma attention:-
A wrote- growin weak day by day___lol__!!
B wrote-
is prayin n prayin n only prayin,,,,,.
C wrote-
is don't know wts going on his life.
D wrote-
is looking towards holidays after the mid week exams.
E wrote-
doesn't want 2 think of exams nw.
F wrote-thinks god is cruel to him.whenever he thinks to hangout with the frens,the god puts something else to do by him
G wrote-(best one)-is struggling .Yes ,he knows that it's the struggle that the butterfly does to come out from the cocoon that gives it beautiful wings with 1000s of eyes in it.
F wrote-.....................................................

So whenever you think of these small updates and compares it with the actual persons at times its funny at times its real and at times heartbreaking.(LOL LOL LOL)
But for me its a complete time pass now.I look at the stats and thinks that make me sometimes happy sometimes sad.The bell is over but still i'm writing .Sorry for eating your valuable time.CIAO all with next blog.This blog a time pass!!!!!!!!!!!!!


sandman89 said...

hey dude really i very much appreciate as well agree with ur thoughts....real good work done here....i really liked the way u hav imaginated and put your thoughts.....wonderful xpressions.....and wonderful way of xpressing as wwell......its just the way u hav put the whole set up at the right platform....at the right level.....at the right hieght, wieght, width....etc....and the graphics that have been set upmy graphica user interphase designer........luv it.....jus luv it.......stats....hahahahaha get a load of that..........stats updates.....hahahahahaha.....hahahahaha
jus cant stop ma self.......oh ma god i mean omg.........stop ...!!!!!i cry stop.....hahahahahahaha........reallly sir.....very wellely goodly greatly awesomely well done job....

i m a fan..
a true

Saurav said...

my status update now!!!
"coz exams are on da way........."
neways thanx!!!!!!

sandman89 said...

"lololololzzzzzzz......laughin out of my shoes....:-)..."


Anonymous said...

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व्यक्तिगत व्यवसायका लागि ऋण चाहिन्छ? तपाईं आफ्नो इमेल संपर्क भने उपरोक्त तुरुन्तै आफ्नो ऋण स्थानान्तरण प्रक्रिया गर्न

Follow @__saurav